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Wasting Water, Wasting Energy

What if water and energy problems in urban India were linked? Water, when reaching your home, has travelled and contains quite a bit of energy, on which one can save. Techniques do not exist on their own, they are embedded into the governance of cities.

Minimum domestic requirements can be assessed as 135 litres per capita per day (lpcd), which most Indian urbanites don’t get due to shortage of water, funds, energy etc. Today, 100% of water is treated to potability norms, carried through energy-intensive centralised piped systems, and used once (and is still not drinkable). The State is right: High cost.

But water is polysemic in nature. Is the water we drink, or use to flush, the same? Let’s break up the 135 lpcd: 20 litres for drinking, cooking, dish-washing; 15% has to be potable, but why treat the rest to potability norms?


Wasting Water, Wasting Energy Wasting Water, Wasting Energy Reviewed by Lotus on 10:33 AM Rating: 5

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