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Why we should Save Water?

Why we should Save Water?

We should save water on account of following reasons:
  • To ensure adequate supply of water for our future generation.
  • Though a large quantity of water can be recycled, but it consumes large amount of power, energy and money. 
  • Clean water in lakes, oceans, rivers ensures healthy life of water animals.
  • Millions of people around the world are still deprived of clean and safe drinking water.

How to Save Water?

  • Stop the misuse of water.
  • Manage the usage of water properly.
  • Stop discharging pollutants without proper treatment.
  • Take efforts in maintaining the quality of water.
  • Stop wastage of water in our toilet.
  • Promote rain-water harvesting and irrigation projects.
Why we should Save Water? Why we should Save Water? Reviewed by Lotus on 3:32 AM Rating: 5

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