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How Do I Use Solar Power to Purify Water?

Even when it looks clear, water can carry hordes of microscopic germs — bacteria and viruses that can wreak havoc on your body. Drinking water is normally sanitized at treatment plants before it enters the home, but if you're camping or drinking water from a rural well, for example, you're not drawing water from the typical water purification infrastructure. You can still protect your gut, though, with a simple water-purification method. This approach is similar to boiling water, though it is more effective because along with heat it uses a spectrum of UV-A light that kills many pathogenic microorganisms (see References 2, page I). However, it does not fully clean very muddy water or water that contains toxic chemical pollutants.
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How Do I Use Solar Power to Purify Water? How Do I Use Solar Power to Purify Water? Reviewed by Lotus on 5:08 AM Rating: 5

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